Robataya was featured in #5FOR56 as Ambassadors Search
Glad to be featured in #5FOR56 Ambassadors Search, specially brought to u by FiftySix Degrees Whisky. The finalists explored the...

Publika 新开张不久的“后巷”居酒屋- Robataya Izakaya!
A big thank you to Gourmet Hunter KL for the superb review and kind recommendation. https://www.facebook.com/gourmethunterkl/?hc_ref=PAG...

Speciality in Robataya Izakaya House : Goya Champuru
Speciality in Robataya Izakaya House : Goya Champuru. We are serious in "masak masak"!! Thanks Gourmet Hunter for review and...

Mr. Lee Kok Hoe, LIVE on-air with BFM 89.9
Feeling proud with our founder, Mr. Lee Kok Hoe, to be invited by BFM 89.9 to share his passion in setting up his dream restaurants and...